

Welcome to my blog. My name is CEMPAKA ERWANTO R And I'm a 3rd semester travel student, Makassar State Tourism Polytechnic. I would like to share a story about my experience while doing a Nature Field Trip in northern Toraja regency.

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On 14 15 16 October 2019 me and my classmates of the Travel Department study program tour travel business doing Nature Field Trip activities in the north toraja regency. We travel for 3D2N. And before we do our marine trip activities we do a meeting first with our tour leader. We gathered at our beloved campus (Makassar tourism polytechnic) at 07.00 and our tour leader gave directions and gave us other tour equipment such as (songage tags, ID cards and refresmants).

Day 1

We left the campus at 08.00 and headed to Barru regency for lunch. During the trip, each student is assigned to be a tour guide. From Makassar city to Barru Regency, it takes about 3 hours. We arrived at kupa beach restaurant, barru district. There we were welcomed by the owner of a welcome drink restaurant. Like the color of milk but not the taste of milk. Like the taste of coconut milk, but delicious and fresh to drink. After that we had lunch together, pray, rest and then continue the journey to Bambapuang, Enrekang Regency. From Barru Regency to Bambapuang, it takes around 3-4 hours. In Bambapuang, Enrekang District, we did a coffee break and enjoyed the beauty of "Mount Miss". Miss Nona is also one of the tourist attractions in Enrekang Regency. Besides being able to do coffee breaks in Bambapuang, you can also buy ole ole typical of Enrekang district because there are so many different types of food that can be made by. After traveling from Bambapuang we continued our journey to Toraja Regency, it was great to be able to set foot again in Tana Toraja. The place is so beautiful with the characteristics of the Tongkonannya house and is one of the places I wanted to go to when I was in high school. We arrived at the senses hotel to check in, and our tour leader gave directions to get ready to do dinner at the penyet ria chicken. And our last activity was closed overnight.

Our first day trip was spent on the road because from Makassar city to Toraja district it was very far and took around 8-11 hours.

Day 2

Our activity on the second day was started with breakfast at the senses hotel and continued with a trip to Timenbayo. At Timenbayo we enjoy the beautiful views of northern Toraja. After timenbayo we continued our journey to Lokomata. Along the road to our locomata we were amazed by the beauty of very thickdew.

Arriving at the locomata, we observed the stone grave. And while the observation was taking place we met a tourist from America along with a local guide. These tourists and guides taught us a lot. Tourists tell us how the tracking experience he did. And Gudie tour explained to us about the history of the tongkonan, tedong and stone grave houses in Toraja Regency.

After that we continued our activities on foot to the restaurant mentirotiku

Along the way we saw a number of Toraja communities doing mutual cooperation activities. The activity aims to replace stones from the tongkonan house as well as to tighten the ties of the Toraja community itself. The men work pushing stones using ropes and pick-up cars while women are in charge of preparing food for those who work. In addition, along the way we also saw many new stone graves were dug. And the scenery that we found was very beautiful.

We arrived at the restaurant, then lunch, rest for a while at once to pray. After about 1 hour we were ordered to take the bus and go to the next tourist spot, namely to the starting point of the Bangko.
We also do tracking from Lempo to Bori. But we passed through the forest and also the rice fields.
We also visited baby grave. Baby grave is a stone grave made by Toraja people to bury babies under the age of six months. They were buried in a tree called 'Tarra'. And it is said that the tare tree has a lot of latex which is believed to give breast milk to the baby in the tomb.
After baby grave we proceed to the next tourist attraction, Bori Kalimbuang

His tourism object is one of UNESCO's world heritages which is located on the Poros Barana road, Pangli, Bori Village, Sesean District, North Toraja Regency. These rocks are not through natural processes, but are formed in advance and planted in the ground. The formation and planting of stones cannot be done by just anyone.
This Menhir is a neat fusion with the Toraja traditional house, Tongkonan.

And the last place we visited was todi. Todi is a place that sells typical souvenir Toraja. In addition, there we can see firsthand the weaving process carried out directly by the Toraja community itself. A very nice place to visit to buy Ole Ole in North Toraja. After from todi we returned to the hotel, dinner and over night

Day 3

As usual at 06.00 we all went to the restaurant for breakfast after breakfast we checked out of the senses hotel then we all the way to one of the markets that are near the senses hotel to buy souvenirs and myself bought a small bag for my brother

Well, that's what I gave later to my brother, after that we continued our journey to the statue of "LAKI PADADA"

After that, continue to Mount Nona for coffee break while enjoying the beauty of Mount Nona, then continue to the "TERAS EMPANG" in the city of Parepare

This is our photo on the TERAS EMPANG bus U

After that we continue the journey to go to maros "RUMAH MAKAN IDAMAN" after eating at the dream restaurant we immediately continue the trip to the Makassar tourism polytechnic campus until campus at 21.30

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope my blog is useful and a blessing, if you want to see my excitement in tanatoraja please visit my you tube channel cempaka erwanto r

Thank youuuuuu.
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Marine Field Trip Report In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
My name is CEMPAKA ERWANTO from Tourism Polytechnoc of Makassar Majoring Tour and Travel Busines and now I will Story Telling about my experience in my Marine Tour In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach.

First day we are gethring on the campus Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar for absensions and get id card and baggage tag. Beside that we also get instruction from advisor and tour leader. After that we are get in on the bus for go to Dutungan Iland and we use vendor from PT. Mitra Selaras for company our Marine Tour. And on the bus our friends be our guide for gave more information for us. On the bus we have advisor for gave rating and instruction how to be a good guide and how to be gave more a good information for us.

And than on the bus we get refreshment for breakfast because we has to long way for the day. Inside our refreshment is some Breat and traditional cake from south Sulawesi.
Finaly we are arrive in the first tourist attraction in south Sulawesi specialy in Barru City, the name of the tourist attraction is Dutungan Island, and in there our supervisor gave us some information and instruction about the ruls and what will we do in Dutungan Island.

And than we are cross from Tanjung Indah Dock to Dutungan Island by Boat, and the name of the boat is Putri Dutungan, From Tanjung Indah Dock cross to Dutungan Island it’s about 3-5 minutes because the distance Dutungan Island near from Tanjung Indah Dock.

In Dutungan Island we change our clothes because we already to Diving and Snorkeling but before that we get information about Diving and Snorkeling From the Instructur abd the Most important thinks from instructor is “ NEVER DIVE ALONE” if some of you dive alone we don’t know what will happen in down there. And than instructor gave information how to breathe if we use the divingequipment. Because the risk posed if an error occurs Is very dangerous and danger.

And we has to devide who is diving and who is snorkeling because of limited tools.

And I never thought when my turn arrived and it turns out I was a beginner among my other friends I was a beginner who reached a depth of 12,1 meters below sea level then the instructor said You are good at understanding techniques and that is one of my pride in myself.

After snorkeling and diving we are going to Delima Hotel in Pare-pare for take a rest.

And we has dinner in Ayam Penyet Ria it is near from delima hotel. After dinner we are  gwer presentation K3 in Delima Hotels Hall. And than the presentation has finish and we has to take a rest.

That’s all my story telling in day one and the next I will continue in day two. 

Day 2 at 06.00 oclock we has morning exercise in front of Delima hotel and wall around in pare-pare city.

We are visit in Monumen Cinta Sejati Habibi dan Ainun and take a picture there and back to hotel for breakfast and prepare for go to the next Tourist attraction in Paputo Beach.

Paputo beach is an abbreviation from Pantai Pasir Putih Tongrangeng and Has a very beautiful view and white sand. And than we has enjoy the time in there and sing a song together. After that we back to campus in Tourism Polytechnic Of Makassar.

I think that’s my blog and story I do apologize if I have mistakes


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